TrueForm Health - Acupuncture and Osteopathy Clinic in Mono, ON Canada
"A sanctuary for genuine healing and harmony to unfold."

Our Certifications

CTCMPAO (Ontario-Canada) Registered Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicines Practitioner

CTCMPAO certification indicates to employers, patients, and peers that one has met national standards for the safe and competent practice of acupuncture and Chinese herbology as defined by the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of Ontario. For additional information, about the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of Ontario, please visit the CTCMPAO Website.

Diplomate of Oriental Medicine

A Diplomate of Oriental Medicine is a practitioner who is certified by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM®) and has met the certification requirements for both acupuncture and Chinese herbology. It is a considerable professional achievement to earn the designation Diplomate of Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM). NCCAOM certification indicates to employers, patients, and peers that one has met national standards for the safe and competent practice of acupuncture and Chinese herbology as defined by the acupuncture and Oriental medicine (AOM) profession. For additional information, about the Diplomate of Oriental Medicine, please visit the NCCAOM Website.

Osteopathic Manual Practitioner DOMP - OFOP (Ontario Federation of Osteopathic Professionals) Registered Active Member

Osteopathy, or Osteopathic Medicine, is a philosophy, a science, and an art. Its philosophy embraces the concept of the unity of body structure and function in health and disease. Its science includes the chemical, physical, and biological sciences related to the maintenance of health and the prevention, cure, and allevia- tion of disease. Its art is the application of the philosophy and the science in the practice of osteopathic medicine and surgery in all its branches and specialties.

The osteopathic concept emphasizes four general principles from which are derived an etiological concept, a philosophy and a ther- apeutic technic that are distinctive, but not the only features of osteopathic diagnosis and treatment.
1. The body is a unit.
2. The body possesses self-regulatory mechanisms.
3. Structure and function are reciprocally inter-related.
4. Rational therapy is based upon an understanding of body
unity, self-regulatory mechanisms, and the inter-relationship of structure and function.